The palace guards from the Casa Rosada walk the Plaza De Mayo twice a day. The plaza was founded in 1580 as Plaza del Fuerte (fortress) and changed it's name to Plaza de Mayo in remembrance of the month of May in 1810 when Buenos Aires declared itself independent from Spain. Since then the plaza has become the country's main place where Argentines come to protest or celebrate their country's important events. The most famous protests have been those of the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, the...
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The palace guards from the Casa Rosada walk the Plaza De Mayo twice a day. The plaza was founded in 1580 as Plaza del Fuerte (fortress) and changed it's name to Plaza de Mayo in remembrance of the month of May in 1810 when Buenos Aires declared itself independent from Spain. Since then the plaza has become the country's main place where Argentines come to protest or celebrate their country's important events. The most famous protests have been those of the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, the mothers of the men and women who disappeared under the dictatorship of General Videla. According to human rights organizations 30,000 Argentines were abducted, tortured and killed by Videla's security forces.
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