Miami Marine Stadium

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From Wikipedia:..The Miami Marine Stadium located on the Virginia Key was the first purpose built stadium for powerboat racing in the United States. The 7,500 seat stadium was built in 1963 on land donated by the Matheson family for "Water Sports"..The Stadium was host for many world class powerboat events including Unlimited Hydroplane, Inboard, Outboard, Performance Craft, Stock, Modified, Grand National divisions as well as other special event races. The Stadium was also the site of a number of nationally televised events including the Bill Muncey Invitational and the ESPN All American Challenge Series. The last major race in the Stadium was the 1987 Inboard Hydroplane national Championship..The Stadium utilized a floating stage in front of the grandstand for diverse activities such as classical concerts, Rock and Roll shows and the annual Easter Sunrise Service..Due to restrictions in use, political pressures from within the City of Miami, and the lack of proper promotion the Stadium saw a gradual decline in events. At the same time the City leased much of the Stadium grounds to numerous ventures including the Miami Rowing Club, and various marinas and restaurants. This created an atmosphere not conducive to the original intent of the Stadium, namely powerboat racing. Numerous proposals were floated before the Miami City Commission throughout the 1980s to no avail. One drawback was the restriction the Matheson family placed upon the Stadium when the land was donated for its construction. By the early 1990s powerboat racing in the Stadium was in reality only a memory..In 1992 Hurricane Andrew struck the Miami/Dade County area. Engineers for the City condemned the structure. Other independent engineers declared the structure sound although needing refurbishing. Since that time the Stadium has been allowed to sit with no attempt at maintenance. Vandalism has been great at the Stadium since the hurricane..The stadium is a breeding ground now for many of Miami's graf