REFORMASI II (92 images)
Text by Nina Eberlijn
"Pesta Demokrasi" or Party of Democracy is what Indonesia's former President Soeharto called Indonesia's elections. However it was only after Soeharto was forced to step down in 1998 that Indonesia's elections became an outburst of joy and passion. During the 1999 elections more than 40 parties competed. Under former President Soeharto only three parties were allowed to exist. Golkar was the government party and the PPP and PDI were the two legal...
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"Pesta Demokrasi" or Party of Democracy is what Indonesia's former President Soeharto called Indonesia's elections. However it was only after Soeharto was forced to step down in 1998 that Indonesia's elections became an outburst of joy and passion. During the 1999 elections more than 40 parties competed. Under former President Soeharto only three parties were allowed to exist. Golkar was the government party and the PPP and PDI were the two legal...
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StudentsArms copy.jpg
StudentsSoldiers copy.jpg
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TheCanonBallRun copy.jpg
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UnderBridgeFire copy.jpg
UniStudentsArms copy.jpg
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