
Czech Circus.Being a citizen of Bohemia and living the life of a gypsy with no fixed domicile this circus man can call himself a Bohemian by birthright and lifestyle. ..Clown.Only in the late nineteenth century did a Parisian poet associate the name Bohemia with art and artists. A Bohemian became a person who lived the life of a gypsy artist. Here a circus clowns around in front of the circus tent. ..Gypsy Artist.Bohemians belong to a creative community of artists, painters, sculptors and writers. Here a circus juggler. She is an artist in her own right and like any of her colleagues she is a Bohemian in every meaning of the word. ..Tigers.A Bohemian does not care about possessions. It's their choice to secede from a bourgeois life. Most Bohemians died of poverty and misery, but the artists of the Cechie circus are able to make a living while pursuing their vocation. ..
Andrew Kaufman