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The Red Devils of Panama.Panama City has a very unique Private/Public transportation system. The system is known by the nickname of the buses. The Diablo Rojos aka The Red Devils. They get their name by the red and white paint that the buses are adorned with. The Diablo Rojos are former school buses from the USA that were imported because of the cheap price and endless use the bus drivers put them through on the dusty highways of Panama. The Diablo Rojos have quite an infamous reputation. The bus drivers race from stop to stop to get the fares waiting patiently. Panamanians will wait for a bus that is painted the coolest. They want to be seen in the very best looking Diablo Rojo. It is a status symbol of the Panamanian people. Who is responsible for the look of the Diablo Rojo? Well, Yoyo is the godfather of the Diablo Rojo artists. He is 82 years old and has been painting thousands of buses for more the 50 years. Andreas Salazar another painter is known quite simply as Salazar to the public. When he walks the city streets he can hear his name being called. Salazar has had many assistants who have gone on to be well known artists in the Diablo Rojo genre. In Chorrera another well known artist is Monchi. Each has their own style and protocal for how the create these master works of art and moving murals. .Each bus has a driver and a Pavo. The pavo collects the fare and alerts the passengers as to the route the bus is taking. .The Panamanian Government is trying to replace the Diablo Rojo with a street car system and proponents of the Diablo Rojo are afraid a culture and a way of life will forever disappear with these old american school buses.
Andrew Kaufman